Ayurveda treatment at home | Daily Ayurveda Small Health Tips

1.Hair loss remedy-Massage d scalp gently wth coconut or almond oil daily for 10-15 mnts. Boil neem leaves in water. Cool, strain & rinse hair wth it.
2.For Dandruff-Add 1 teaspoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut or neem oil. Store it in glass container. Massage this oil into the scalp before bed.
3.Turmeric with aloe vera gel cn be best used during the early stages of diabetes for regulating pancreas & liver functions.
4.Herbs for Diabetes-Shilajit, Gudmar Turmeric, Neem, Amalaki, Guggul, & Arjuna.
5.Take barley soaked in a triphala decoction overnight then mix with honey & eat several times a day.
6.Wanna gain weight? Hv Kesari Kalpa-1 tsp wth milk, twice daily & Panchasava & Drakshasava-3 tsp each, twice daily aftr meals wth equal qty of water.
7.If suffering frm severe constipation, Hv Kabja Har Granules-1 tea spoon at bed time with warm water. It really works.
8.If hemoglobin is less one can always have Lohasav & Drakshasava-4tsp at bed time. Ashwagandha Churna, 1 tsp. in milk works wonders.
9.For obesity try Ayurslim Capsules & Bodyslim Capsules 3 times a day after meals. Never skip ur exercise. Avoid junk & oily food.
10.Rosemary helps stimulate hair follicles, promotes growth, helps retard premature thinning and graying, and soothes and conditions the scalp.
11.A paste of fresh fenugreek leaves, applied and washed off with warm water before going to bed prevents pimples. Try it & feel d difference.
12. 4 nasal congestion, on steaming water, put leaves of eucalyptus, mint or thyme. Place your nose directly under it & inhale to get relief
13.Soak a towel in hot water and squeeze lightly. Cover your hair with this for 10 minutes and do try this for almost a week for healthy hair
14.Amla, shikaki powder mixed with curd is a good conditioner and should be made use of.
15.For toothache apply some drops of cinnamon or clove oil to the base of the aching tooth.
16.For dark under eye, every morning, after washing your face, gently apply mixture of equal parts of tomato and lime juice; wash after half an hour.
17. Combine cinnamon powder with honey and form it into paste. Right before sleeping, apply the mixture to your face and wash it the next morning. Do this every night for about 2 weeks and you will no longer worry about pimples
18.To solve bad breath, add 1 lemon juice with some sugar and salt to a glass of water and drink it often.
19. To combat dandruff problem, massage hair with a few drops of lime juice mixed with amla juice every night before going to bed
20.Dark circles can be removed by doing pranayam daily for at least five minutes.
21.For acidity issues, drink fresh mint juice slowly after meals
22.The powder of ehiretta taken with an equal quantity of sugar relieves acidity.
23.People who eat snacks in between meals suffer less from fatigue, think more clearly & are more efficient than those who eat only three meals a day
24.Cereal seeds in their natural state relieve fatigue and provide energy. These cereal seeds are corn seeds, wheat seeds, rye seeds, maize seeds.
25.Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for 3 days

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